Answers to Prayer
Since 2015, churches have prayed in specific, measurable ways from the community prayer guide. Since then we’ve tracked and documented over 50 pages of answers to prayer! These testimonies have become our shared community story. Click here to read these foundational testimonies.
Latest Answers to Prayer
Answers in Education
The Junction City Superintendent identified these answers:
This year was the smoothest start of the school year in his time with the district.
They had the lowest turn over in classified staff (only 8, instead of 25 in previous years).
The school board is united & headed in the right direction.
More kids are involved in activities & clubs than ever before!
4J has reached a tentative agreement in contract bargaining, and both sides appear peaceful and satisfied.
Prioritizing Patient Healthcare
In September, 200+ community members met at Willamette Christian Center to hear a panel of diverse healthcare and policy experts answer community questions and concerns about the state of healthcare in Eugene, Lane County, and Oregon.
During the positive event, McKenzie-Willamette announced their plan to open a 12-bed emergency department, to make emergency healthcare more accessible to people in West and South Eugene.
This event has spurred on continued dialogue to better care for our community! (The Register-Guard 10/9/24)
Behind the Prayer Request
Our First Responder Leadership continue to recognize the value of our sustained prayers:
Fatalities: The national 10-year average is 265 officers killed per year. In Lane County, there has not been a fatality since 2011.
Though hiring is a nationwide problem (25% of agencies have stopped providing some services because they cannot fill their positions), LCSO has hired 261 deputy sheriffs since 2013, and continues to hire excellent people to fill continued vacancies.
New qualified police chiefs in Springfield, Cottage Grove, Junction City & a New Eugene/Springfield Fire Chief have been hired.
Ultimately, God is at work, protecting and equipping first responders. They also believe the prayer guide helps inspire more people to show purposeful gratitude and respect to our first responders, fostering a healthier and safer community.
Summer Camp Testimonies
Five children's pastors partnered to host a free kids camp outside of their church walls, and two additional churches supported the effort. They met in the Guy Lee park in the evening, and neighborhood kids - who might not otherwise have access to camp - could drop in at any time. It was a hit, and fruitful relationships with kids and families developed!
A pastor took a van full of middle school boys to camp. All year he worked bi-vocationally in their school classroom, but at camp he had the opportunity to relate on a “faith” level. On the way to camp, one of the boys committed his life to Jesus, and the pastor spent the rest of the week discipling this new follower!
Fully Staffed Police Department
The Junction City Police Department is FULLY staffed! We pray monthly for God to supply qualified candidates for all open positions in every agency, and this is a huge answer to prayer. Let’s keep praying for all of our police departments and the Lane County Sheriff.
Increased School Staffing & Prayer
All 4J middle schools are receiving more staffing next year to give teachers more time to collaborate and prepare for the rigor of the classroom. This means teachers will teach 5 of 7 classes instead of 6 of 7 as planned.
Another school superintendent reported that his school district has more staff than ever before. This was a big prayer target for the churches in their district, as COVID created large staffing gaps.
We often pray for teachers to find each other and pray together. This fall, a group of Bethel teachers started praying together! Recently, teachers from another school in the district heard about the prayer gathering and started one for their school too!
Youth Prayer
A church saw 22 students from their youth group participate in their One Church – One Day prayer day by signing up to pray for a 30-minute time slot!
More Applicants & Encouragement for First Responders
We prayed for God to raise up more 911 dispatch workers, and they received 100 applicants! Let’s keep praying!
A police officer was encouraged by a Christian during a routine traffic stop that people from 50+ churches pray for officers’ safety and well-being daily. He had no idea and was very thankful!
Answers to Prayer from the Beginning of the School Year
Here are a few ways educators are noticing God’s response to our prayers: A Springfield church started a monthly prayer time for educators and pastors. A Eugene school is encouraged by a growing partnership with the UO to provide more middle school mentors. Lastly, every school district has hired new teachers who are enthusiastic and capable. Let’s thank the Lord and keep praying!
Teachers Pray, Leaders Notice the Difference!
A group of teachers started meeting weekly before classes to pray for their school. After one of the prayer meetings, three union representatives visited their building. One of the interviewers commented that it felt different than other schools, and the interactions with students and staff seemed positive. The other two union representatives agreed, noting staff were happy and that students seemed to be glad to be in school.
These responses are direct answers to prayer for students’ and staff’s peace, joy, and ability to teach/learn. We’ve also prayed for Christian teachers to find each other and pray at their workplaces!
Project Hope: Students Hungry for Prayer
At one of the giveaways, more than 100 students voluntarily asked for prayer. This is the environment 50+ churches created to serve 3,000 students! Watch the Project Hope video!
Hear the Glory
At Hear the Glory, 8 international athletes shared their testimonies and presented the Gospel! Young and old heard about the goodness of God and the value of persevering through trial from each story, and a number of people responded to Jesus! You can watch the replay here!
Bethel Strategic Plan 6/18/23
The Bethel School District recently finalized a 4-year strategic plan, after hearing from 4,000 members of the community. Its mission statement is "to create relevant, responsive, and joyful learning communities where all students thrive," and their priorities address many of the ways we have been praying on the prayer guide: 1) Relevant and responsive learning, 2) Joy and wellness, 3) Belonging and engagement, and 4) Strong schools, strong communities. Additionally, they have implemented new plans and curriculum to bolster reading levels.
Let’s keep praying for “district leaders to have God’s wisdom and innovative, bold strategies to create environments where students can learn and grow.”
EWEB Sale Finalized for Eugene City Hall
Both the city and EWEB are pleased with the purchase, after a decade without a City Hall. We started praying for this process in 2016!
Officials say, “the new City Hall site will establish a place for civic and community engagement and a public space on the river, as well as increasing ease of access to City services and provide long-term savings to the community.”
More Officers Trained
The Oregon State Police has hired a new person to oversee training. They have taken productive, initial steps to increase the amount of police officers being trained. Let’s continue praying that capacity increases to train officers!
Protection during Police Car Chase & Stand-off
“An incredibly fortunate circumstance“
On January 26th, a car chase ensued, and shots were fired at police from the moving vehicle. The suspects invaded a Fox Hollow residence, using guns from the home to resist police. A massive law enforcement team worked through the night to diffuse the situation.
No one was injured, though nearly 100 shots were fired. Chief Skinner called it, "an incredibly fortunate and lucky set of circumstances” that not one officer, subject, or citizen was hurt. "There was a lot of gunfire, and it could have gone a completely different direction." This is why we pray monthly for God’s protection for police & fire!
Salvation, Life & healing through the church
Over the last few months, pastors have shared more testimonies at the One Hope Monthly Pastors’ Gatherings! In February, the testimonies went on and on! The first three pastors shared about people choosing to follow Jesus. Others shared about salvation and discipleship among bikers and police officers.
Another rejoiced about people’s increased desire to pray and a miraculous healing at their church: a teenage girl, completely deaf in one ear, was healed so that she could hear a whisper!
Christ-following coaches at the University of Oregon!
“There are more committed Christian coaches at UO now, than any other time in my 20 years with UO Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA).”
- Tony Overstake, UO FCA Director
Two families practicing New Age turned to Jesus in 2022!
Watch the testimony of one of them (Emily's Story): @overflowhope on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube.
Eugene 4J Alternative High School celebrates record attendance (70%)!
The students who were historically difficult to engage are back to school. Similar schools are full & thriving as well.
As schools reopened after the COVID shutdown, we prayed for vulnerable students to reconnect with school.
2023 State of the County Address
During the 2023 State of the County address, Lane County celebrated:
1) adding 132 new beds for people transitioning out of homelessness, &
2) eight new Sheriff positions that were filled by quality recruits.
Housing collaboration & hiring more noble recruits are consistent prayer points.
15 School Mentors Trained
In response to the request of district leaders (Read the Request in the Register Guard), the One Hope School Partnership Team trained 15 people from 10+ churches to be student mentors!
This is a direct answer to prayer for believers to step into the gaps in public schools and vulnerable students’ lives! Mentoring involves a weekly lunch with a school-identified student in middle school for the duration of a school year.
If you’re interested in learning how you could be a mentor, email onehopenetwork@gmail.com.
Cottages of Hope
Pray for the local housing crisis:
For God to lead government, church, business, & non-profits to shepherd unhoused people. Pray for new community partners to continually come to the “table” with solutions.
Since January, we have prayed in these ways, and EveryOne Village and Cottages of Hope (in development) is a direct answer to prayer.
Mike Caven was named the new Fire Chief for Eugene and Springfield.
We've prayed for months that God woud appoint the right person for the job, Let's give thanks & ask God to fully establish Chief Caven with His blessing, power & wisdom!
Dove Medical Protection during Protests
Dove Medical, our local crisis pregnancy center, gives all thanks and glory to God for protection during a season of protests following the Supreme Court decision. Additionally, they've added an outstanding new nurse practitioner to their team.
World Championship testimonies
We prayed for the 2022 World Track & Field Championships for more than five years!
God's peace and blessing was evident from our international guests' remarks about the warm hospitality they received to broadcasters' comments on Eugene's beauty.
Finland’s Team Experience in Creswell (Register Guard Article):
“It has been so amazing because of all of this hospitality and a small village who really wants us here,” said Finni, 50, a former decathlete. “They make us very comfortable. We have everything that we need and what we asked.”
Australian Tourist’s Experience (KEZI’s Story):
“We are meeting just the nicest people; you guys are great hosts; it's just been fabulous," Nicholson said. "I just want to thank the people of Eugene; it's outstanding you guys know how to put on a show."
"We go into local coffee shops and restaurants; it's been wonderful," Sheehan said. "We are definitely spending our money."
The peace was noticeable in our streets and there were no major public safety concerns.
Plus, multiple medalist publically gave glory to Jesus following their performances. Australian Olympic Medalist in high jump, Nicola McDermott, recorded her testimony for @overflowhope (watch on Instagram, Facebook or Youtube) and encouraged local young adults and pastors. Watch gold medalist Sydney McLaughlin give glory to Jesus after breaking her own world record at Hayward Field below.
More Mental Health Professionals
As we have been praying for more mental health professionals to be raised up in our community, the CAFA (Christians as Family Advocates) Director gives glory to God for a grant they received to increase staff, provide hiring bonuses to new hires and current employees. Plus, they have more student interns than at any time in CAFA's history!
How God is already moving through overflow hope
1) Olympic Athlete Divine Appointment
When Australian Silver medalist, Nicola McDermott, came to Eugene for the Pre Classic, she immediately went to a local church. She told the pastor, “I’ve been praying for Eugene in preparation for the World Championships, and so are my other friends who are coming to compete!” She also shared how she loves to share her testimony and connect people with local churches!
Pastor Mike replied with joy that we’ve been praying for her, showing her the One Church – One Day prayer guide. He also told her about Overflow Hope and we arranged to film her and another Jamaican athlete’s testimony. Pray for Nicola and every Jesus-following athlete to have fruitful opportunities to share the Gospel while in Eugene!
2) Video Traction
A woman shared Jed’s testimony on Facebook, and to her surprise her daughter-in-law commented on the video. She isn’t a Jesus-follower, but she watched the video because she recognized Jed, her Schwan’s delivery guy!
3) Billboard Gives Peace
“We have a friend who's going through a hard time, she is a believer, but needed encouragement. When she was driving on Coburg Road, she saw the sign that said "My peace I give you..." It was just what she needed; a real encouraging word straight from Jesus. And He did give her tangible peace.”
Follow @overflowhope on Instagram and facebook to help fill our community with good news!
Prodigals | “As you go, make disciples”
Bill prays daily the people God will lead across his path. One day, while having work done on his roof, a young construction worker was highlighted to him. While they were having lunch, the construction worker asked Bill, ‘Are you a Christian?’ His reply was, “yes,” and the young man replied with “I need that in my life.” They made plans to meet weekly to talk about Jesus and what it means to be a good dad.
When Bill shared where he went to church, the young man smiled at the coincidence, saying, “My mom goes there, and she picked my kids up this weekend to bring them with her!” God is using Alan to be answer to the prayer of a mother in his church for her prodigal son.
Be encouraged as you pray for the lost and the prodigals in your life, and as you love and share with people throughout your day. God is using His body to reach people, and you may just be the answer to a family member’s prayer!
Healing at local church
Here’s the personal account from a church prayer coordinator,
“I have been completely healed two times in the last four years simply through praise to our Almighty God. My pastor knows how to worship. Sometimes, when he leads worship, heaven seems to open and people are healed. On October 26, 2017 I was injured while working and ended up with 4 compression fractures across my upper back. This was very painful and my doctor said I needed an operation where they would take bone from another part of my body and put it in the fractured area. I said, “No, I believe God will heal me.” Although this was very painful, I went to church every Sunday and sat in the back to be unnoticed. I did ask for prayer from every Christian I saw and each time I was prayed for I did notice a little less pain, but it just didn’t go away. I also went six times to Healing Rooms to be prayed for, but still didn’t get “all better.” On December 24th (almost 2 months after the incident) our pastor was leading worship and heaven seemed to open. I was worshiping along with everyone else when the Lord spoke to me saying, “If you’ll reach out, you can have it.” I did manage to reach out to Him a little more and the pain left me, I was completely healed! Pastor said, “There’s been some healings here this morning, I want to hear some testimonies.” I was the first one to the microphone to say, “I’ve been healed of 4 compression fractures in my back.” I’ve had no pain in that area since! Hallelujah, what a Savior!!! I’m so thankful for His complete healing and for every way He blesses me, all the time!”
Quality Recruits for Law Enforcement
Pray for people of noble character to be hired by local law enforcement, as there are many open positions. Community Prayer Guide
This prayer request rarely changes, because a few dozen more officers need to be hired, but law enforcement leaders are rejoicing at every answer to prayer along the way, “We keep hiring quality people! We need more and need to keep praying, but we keep hiring quality people… and many of them are believers.”
“This is a Godsend“ | Unhoused Synergy
Pray for God to direct government, church, businesses, and non-profits to effectively shepherd people who are homeless. Government 5/21 – 2/22
The Register Guard proclaimed, “This is a godsend,” as it detailed the redemptive purpose and new strategy of EveryOne Village. EveryOne Village has become a hope-filled rally point surrounding the unhoused population, bringing many new collaborators to the table including churches; businesses like Rexius, Fuller Cabinents and Arbor South, and Oregon Beverages providers; the University of Oregon, and service providers including, White Bird, Teen Challenge, HIV Alliance and CAFA.
The answer to prayer is in the new partners it’s drawing to the table – “a real diverse assortment of people who traditionally have been left out of the conversation around solutions," Sielicki said.
The community-transformation is in the lives of the 36 residents engaging positive steps forward to a positive future.
And the testimony is in the hopeful narrative it’s cultivating: "This has been the most positive effort I've ever been engaged with because of the sheer amount of hope that people have," Sielicki said. Read more here.
Let’s keep praying, for “as of January, Lane County grappled with 4,003 people living unsheltered, according to the county, with about a quarter as many shelter beds and few programs dedicated to lifting people out of the cycles that trap people in chronic homelessness.”
“Out of the Blue” Funds for Crisis Response Center
Pray for a Mental Health Crisis Center to be established (a necessity according to first responders & civic leaders).Police & Fire 3/19 – 1/20
Pray for God to guide the implementation & leadership selection of the TAC Report (Technical Assistance Collaborative), a comprehensive city/county strategic plan to house the unhoused. Government 2/19 - 1/20
Pray for Community Safety: the harmony and increased capacity of our police, fire department & courts. Government 5/19 - 7/19
Lane County was awarded nearly 7 million to create a crisis response center in 2021. This community need was identified by the TAC Report and is a direct answer to the ways we prayed pre-pandemic. The future Crisis Response Center will serve people suffering a mental health crisis where the hospital/jail is not warranted, provide care for the individual, and alleviate pressure from our emergency response systems.
The future Crisis Response Center was the most funded item from federal relief dollars (Register Guard Article).One praying elected official rejoiced at the answer to prayer, saying the funds “came out of the blue.”
Poverty & Homelessness Board: Civic & Business Collaboration
Pray for business & government leaders to find effective ways to increase the local housing supply. Business 6/21 – 2/22
Pray for God to direct government, church, businesses, and non-profits to effectively shepherd people who are homeless.Government 5/21 – 2/22
Pat Farr (County Commissioner and Strategic Team Member)and Brittany Quick-Warner (Eugene Chamber of Commerce) are among the new Co-Chairs for the Poverty and Homelessness Board (View board members here). This is another example of how God is cultivating synergy and collaboration between the business, non-profit, church and civic sectors to address the homelessness crisis and care for the poor.
Art bringing healing and connection at EveryOne Village
Pray for God to give artists wisdom and focus to bring healing to our community. Arts 11/21
Pray for people who are struggling with mental health to express their emotions and find healing through art. Arts 11/21 - 12/21
Everyone Village continues to be an example of new solutions and cross-sector collaboration to house the unhoused. Recently, a Jesus-following high school student started a collaborative mosaic art project with the residents to create mosaic table tops for the village’s shared community spaces. Plus, her parents are both trained therapists and they are a core members of the church next door to EveryOne Village.
State of the City
“Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” Jeremiah 29:7
The Eugene Mayor set a positive tone in her State of the City address, saying, “As we move into 2022, we are not just recovering from a series of crises. Our city is using the tools available to us to find pathways, perspectives and ideas that will transform us.”
May your faith be encouraged by this quote, as we continue to pray and seek the peace, flourishing and transformation of the community God has entrusted us.
Other 2021 accomplishments that are adding Shalom to our community (and answers to prayer) include:
A permanent home for City Hall through a collaborative agreement with the New LCC Downtown building; a major solution, as the city wouldn’t have been able to build a new building. 2019 Prayer Guide
More collaborative affordable housing units developed, updates to Accessory Dwelling rules, and pre-approved ADU plans to increase the local housing supply.
Farmers Market progress, Community Safety progress, Livable Streets Program creating more cross walks, and more businesses leaders in dialogue with the mayor.
As God’s people, we agree in prayer for God to bring community-wide transformation, and with the mayor’s words that “in 2022, Eugene is moving from recovery to transformation” Register Guard Article.
Housing: New Partners with Solutions & Synergy
Since the first community prayer guide was crafted in 2015, we’ve consistently prayed alongside community efforts to shepherd the unhoused and increase the overall local housing supply. From “Operation 365” housing 404 unhoused veterans, to synergy around the “TAC report,” we’ve seen God at work. Then the COVID-19 pandemic brought the crisis to a new level.
Throughout 2021, we’ve prayed specifically for cross-sector collaboration and for new partners to come to the “table with solutions” to effectively shepherd unhoused people. Leaders are seeing this happen with increased momentum.
The Eugene Chamber of Commerce is one example. They published a detailed report calling for cross-sector action and identifying the business community as a key player in the solution.
Simultaneously, God is creating synergy for partners from many sectors to come around the efforts of Pastor Gabe.
Pastor Gabe and Everyone Village, a 60-dwelling transitional shelter village, are creating an environment where business leaders, churches, non-profit organizations, and government efforts can build new collaborative connections. The Jesus-centered space is drawing new and seasoned partners to the same table, and work is progressing at a rapid pace. Because of this synergy, the transitional housing supply is increasing, and people are receiving multi-layered support to help them transition to a more stable housing.
After reading the specific prayer requests that 40+ churches are praying, Pastor Gabe felt affirmed and encouraged that God is leading our prayers and his work. He said, “It’s as if the prayers of the Church are tilling the soil. The work we’re doing is happening faster, and with more momentum, because of prayer.”
Pastor Gabe and Everyone Village have also received plenty of media attention, providing a measure of hope for our community.
We also pray for the increase and effectiveness of transitional, supportive housing for homeless adults and families. First Step Village, a micro-site of pallet homes for families at First Baptist has seen success. They have provided nine families housing, of whichtwo families have already moved into permanent housing.
Volunteers from the church helped them move in and furnish their new apartments. Seventeen children and three pregnant mothers have found safe shelter at First Step Village. This removed the need for DHS intervention, and is providing “protection of single parents, kids, the elderly, and youth without stable housing,” as we’ve prayed.
God is answering the specific ways we are praying, and providing glimmers of hope for the journey ahead. Be encouraged as we continue to pray, collaborate and take the next step.
Managing the Summer COVID-19 Surge
A veteran emergency room doctor considers it an answer to prayer that the local medical system was able to “manage the summer COVID-19 surge,” and make it through in good condition. He saw God’s hand through the whole pandemic as good practices were maintained, they never ran out of PPE, and numbers are going down again.
Additionally, Serenity Lane never experienced a COVID-19 outbreak, and the Mission never ran out of beds, while consistently maintaining a very low COVID-19 transmission rate; evidence of God’s hand on our community.
A Teacher’s Testimony
from the 2020 - 2021 School Year
In February and March of 2021 we prayed for students, families and school staff to be free of anxiety and have God's peace, joy and creative ideas as they returned to the classroom.
When we heard how Heather, a local Jesus-following teacher, saw God answer these prayers, we knew you had to hear the story for yourself!
Fewer Kids in Foster Care
Since the start of One Church – One Day in 2015, we’ve regularly prayed for kids in foster care and vulnerable families. Churches have worked diligently to support our local ODHS workers, increase the number of foster families, and care for vulnerable kids in a variety of ways through Every Child Lane County.
Since then, the number of kids in foster care has decreased dramatically. In 2016, there were 1,530 kids in care in Lane County. Now in 2021*, there are 678 children in care!
*It is important to note that the number had decreased significantly prior to COVID-19. Many feared the number of kids in care would skyrocket when students returned to the classroom and the care of mandatory reporters. However, the 2021 numbers reveal that the spike did not occur! Let’s keep praying for families to be strong, healthy and built by Jesus.
New School Partnerships Develop as 60 Church Leaders gathered with School Superintendents
In June, 60 church leaders gathered to hear from the 4J, Bethel and Springfield Superintendents, as they discussed the value of school/church partnerships. The superintendents made it abundantly clear that principals deeply value the friendships they have with their church partners, and partners are wanted by every school. They affirmed the most meaningful person in a student’s life can be a volunteer mentor or reading partner. God has opened big doors for His people to be present as servants, full of His love, in our schools.
Last month we prayed for new school/church partnerships to develop, and for churches to plan strategically this summer. This School Partnership Forum was certainly a step in the right direction!
New Community Members Connect with Blue River Church
This spring, six new people came to the first gathering at Living Water Family Fellowship’s property since the loss of their building in the Holiday Farm Fire. The visitors came, in part because of the relationships developed through Sheds of Hope! Twenty-two churches have partnered with Living Water Family Fellowship to build sheds, and it’s resulting in a new reputation of the local Church upriver.
As you can see, Sheds of Hope is impacting the entire community, along with bringing a measure of healing to individuals. One recipient went so far to say, “The shed was truly the nicest thing that happened to us since the fire.”
Local Businesses “Carpe the Chaos”
We are praying for business leaders to have God’s wisdom to lead now and into a post-pandemic paradigm. In April, the Eugene Chamber of Commerce hosted a virtual event designed to support business leaders in this process! The “2021 Economic Summit: Carpe the Chaos” was designed to help business owners transition from “survival mode” to collectively taking “next steps to define a new normal for local businesses and workforces.” Let’s continue praying for the Lord to faithfully lead business owners and renew our economy.
Health Care: Dove Medical Growth + Peace Health Transition
In March, we prayed for Dove Medical, our local pregnancy center. They reported an increase of appointments with prospective mothers, and they hired a new nurse practitioner! This allows them to increase their services to include first trimester prenatal care, STI treatment, and eventually abortion pill reversal; all in a supportive, life-affirming environment.
We prayed for peace during Peace Health’s transition to new leadership, and doctors are praising God for the smooth transition between CEOs.
Resilience of the Arts
The arts strategic team is encouraged for a number of reasons:
High school musicals and virtual performances found many creative ways to continue through the pandemic. For example, Identity Dance served more students than ever, providing a safe way for kids to engage in the arts.
The Midtown Arts Center opened in January, and is now the new home of the Eugene Ballet and nine other arts organizations.
We prayed for the CAFA art show, which has been moved to July 9, but organizers are already seeing God’s favor. Many secular art galleries and community members plan to participate.
Teachers & Students: A Peaceful Return
Educators are grateful for your prayers and recognize the Lord’s hand in two specific areas. One school leader noticed an increase of the Lord’s peace around teachers returning to the classroom and making choices about the vaccine. Other educators remarked that the process of kids returning to the classroom was more joyful and smooth than they first anticipated.
Collaboration for Affordable Housing: 51 New Units!
For years we have prayed in harmony with government initiatives to add more affordable housing units to our community. This month, Homes for Good added 51 trauma-informed apartments with the grand opening of the Commons on MLK.
“We found a solution,” community partners celebrated during the zoom grand opening. Lane County Administrator, Steve Mokrohisky highlighted another cause for celebration, “This is a true public/private partnership!” (Cross-sector collaboration is regular focus on the prayer guide).
The trauma-informed apartments create a stable place for individuals to live while they pursue their personal goals, while having access to 24/7 onsite mental health services.
Additionally, the Commons on MLK will benefit the whole community. According to FUSE data, (a system that tracks the biggest users of emergency services), when these individuals have stable housing, their use of community funds significantly decreases (their law enforcement arrests decreased by 82%, jail time decreased by 50%, court appearances by 75%, and their health care costs went down by 53%. Praise the Lord for another step toward a thriving, community flourishing (also known as Shalom)!
Provision for Local Students of the Arts
In February we prayed for students to remain engaged in the arts, even as performances are canceled. We also prayed for God’s provision for theaters & galleries. A few days after the prayer requests were released, the Register Guard announced that 7 Lane County nonprofit arts groups received new grant funding.
The funding is an answer to prayer in and as itself, but how the funds will impact the Eugene-Springfield Youth Orchestra is an even more specific answer: the grant will “provide free and minimal-cost online beginning strings instruction to Eugene third, fourth and fifth graders.”
The director was thrilled to announce that they could serve the same number of students as a regular (pre-pandemic) year. Plus, they can reach every school because of the virtual platform!
Grateful Doctors: “It looks as though we’ve turned a corner.”
The four doctors who serve on our health care strategic team are grateful to God for His answers to our prayers. From their perspective, they believe we’ve “turned a corner with the virus,” though it’s not over. They give glory to God that it looks as though our community will make it through that pandemic without ever having an overwhelming flood hit our local health care system (locally, there was never a shortage of beds, ventilators or PPE). Thanks be to God for His continued protection over our community.
Resources to Connect with Vulnerable Students
We prayed for students who hadn’t yet connected through distance learning to connect with a caring adult from their school. Last month a 4J middle school hired two educational assistants, providing more capacity to reach out to the school’s top 50 most disengaged kids.
Five staff were each assigned ten students to personally reach out, build relationship and remain connected the rest of the year!
COVID-19 Contained at The Mission
We prayed for the Eugene Mission, as they worked to contain a COVID-19 outbreak among their guests. Recently, they received commendations from Lane County Public Health for their response. Here’s how Director Sheryl Balthrop saw God answer prayer:
“The last campus-wide tests yielded zero positive results. It seems that the virus spread was contained! Even better, of the total 99 guests and 2 staff members who tested positive since early December, only a few have had mild symptoms and none have required notable medical assistance. Most have had no symptoms at all. We have truly experienced the peace of God that transcends all understanding. Thank you for praying!”
Lower COVID-19 Numbers
Since Mid-January, Oregon COVID-19 cases have declined, as well as Lane County hospitalizations. Also, the National Guard was deployed to assist with vaccine distribution, and we are praying that God would continue to lead the process, and stop the spread of the virus!
New Springfield Mayor
We prayed for God to lead the selection of the next Springfield Mayor, and Sean VanGordon was selected as interim mayor. Let’s pray that God would give him wisdom and grace for his new role.
Hope & Light on Display Downtown through the Arts
As experienced & written by Stephanie Jackson, a local artist, art therapist & strategic team member:
“It is a privilege not only to partner in prayer as a part of the Arts Strategic Team, but also to see those very prayers answered in tangible ways. As I reflect on December's prayer guide, I am in awe of specific ways God is moving in the arts sector of our community.
In December, CAFA’s “Artful Connections for Women” online therapeutic art groups were selected to display their stained glass art in the City of Eugene’s “Window Front Exhibition.” The goal of these exhibits, according to the city, are to bring "light" and hope downtown in the front windows of businesses (some of which are closed due to the pandemic), and to help community members engage in art in meaningful ways.
The online therapeutic art groups were formed after the shutdown in March 2020 to provide opportunities for connection and healing for women. They used art to process their feelings of loneliness or isolation due to the pandemic.
As the women gathered for over 8 months, deep friendships were formed. The class helped carry them through circumstances such as the passing of family members, major health issues, and life transitions, all during a year of unprecedented events.
In the process, their stories of resilience became stories of hope and inspiration, not only to one another, but to the community around them. As their art and stories tell of
their own journeys of healing, community members and artists are finding their own parallels within these stories in downtown Eugene.
As I reflect on the prayer guide, I see God's hand in the doors that have been opened in the community for the arts, as these women's stories of hope, friendship, and redemption offer hope for those who hear. Once again, I am in awe by the kindness and power He displays as he continually draws people to Himself in our community, and in this case, through the arts.”
Local Gym Sustained through Pandemic
We’ve prayed for God to lead and sustain local business and business owners through closures and shutdowns. Here’s how God miraculously sustained one:
After another round of shutdown, bills were piling up, but one business owner resolved not to lay anyone off at Christmas time. At just the right time, a member walked in with a $20,000 check! The business owner was encouraged and reminded that God started the business, and He would sustain it.
Hope to Fire Victims: Sheds of Hope!
16 Sheds Built, and 35 Committed so Far
Shortly after the Holiday Farm Fire, we began praying for God to lead churches in a fruitful path to help people rebuild.
Sheds were identified by local community groups, Lane County and FEMA as a strategic, healing step to rebuild during a meeting up river. In that meeting, a pastor volunteered to be the “Shed Guy,” knowing he had the support of churches through One Hope behind him. He was met with enthusiasm, so churches went to work!
Sheds of Hope has tremendous momentum already: as 16 sheds are built, 35 more are committed so far, and the plans are available for other churches and businesses to build themselves. KEZI and the Register Guard both highlighted Sheds of Hope, and churches are inviting the community to join in the effort.
Besides God’s people providing a first step for property owners on their rebuilding journey, God is also forging lasting relationships up river. The sheds are primarily being distributed by people from Living Water Family Fellowship and McKenzie Bible Fellowship, and churches in Eugene/Springfield are supporting them. This is building lasting trust between local McKenzie River churches and their local community.
God’s People: Hope & the Holiday Season
From 1,200 Thanksgiving Meal Boxes to various Christmas outreaches, God’s people are loving, serving and sharing hope with people all around them. Here are a few stories:
One of the 40 churches who participated in the Thanksgiving Meal Outreach made deeper connections with their school partner this year! Meal boxes could not be dropped off at the school, so the church invited families to pick up their box from their church property. The pastor met many new families, and connected with the new principal and secretary in person!
Christmas for Underserved Families | One school district identified a number of families who didn’t qualify for Toys for Tots, or other similar programs. Quickly, because of our School Partnership relationships, all the families were given “Christmas” by another family, community group, or church; and their gifts were delivered to their front door.
Spontaneous Baptism & Salvation | A church had scheduled a baptism service in November. When the “two-week freeze was announced,” they moved the service to the Tuesday night before the order would go into effect. That Tuesday morning a young woman googled “churches near me,” called the church, and told a pastor she’d like to be baptized.
They invited her to be baptized with 11 other people that evening. She brought her sister-in-law along to the baptism, and she made a commitment to Jesus and was baptized too!