“What a Difference a Day Makes!”
We’ve been praying for the peace of our community for five years through One Church - One Day, but in light of current events and unrest, we’ve increased that prayer focus over our community:
In late July, a protest became violent in the Thurston Hills, when protesters, counter-protesters and police clashed. Many of us saw violence and hate on live streams and news reports.
The next day, another protest was planned in Springfield, and everything predicted violence would escalate. Leaders sensed the importance to call people to pray for Springfield.
At 4 PM that day, One Hope posted on social media, calling people to “Pray for Springfield” with prayer points.
By 9 PM the post had 7,100 views, 1,000 engagements, and more than 100 shares. God mobilized people to pray, and thousands saw that the Church was praying.
But it’s get better: The next morning, Friday, July 30th, KEZI reported this about the second night of protests:
"What a difference a day makes!
There was another night of protests, but there was a completely different outcome this evening.
Last night there was violence, and tonight there was peace. There was no chaos tonight.
There were no issues the whole night."
The Springfield Police Chief also gave glory to God, saying, "Our prayers were answered, as it was a very uneventful protest. There were no issues at all."
God’s Support of Health Care Professionals + First Responders
Childcare Solution for Doctor’s Office
A new doctor joined the health care strategic team in September. He shared with the team that his practice desperately needed childcare, along with many other health care professionals. The team prayed together.
The following month he began the health care team meeting with this testimony: The day after they prayed together, God provided the perfect childcare solution for their practice!
Five New Officers Hired by Springfield Police
We consistently pray for God to lead the hiring process of new officers with noble character. The Springfield Police Chief is thankful to report that even in the midst of national and local turmoil, they hired five new officers last month!
God’s Protection
In October, officers responded to a call in Elmira. Shortly after they arrived, the suspect began shooting at them at close range. The officers safely evacuated three civilians, and no one was seriously injured.
Churches Surround Foster Family impacted by Holiday Farm Fire
Every Child Lane County partnered with DHS to identify 13 families affected by the Holiday Farm Fire. Here’s one story, showing the extravagant love coming from God’s people to one family:
Mr. Kroh woke up to light streaming into his home in the middle of the night. He walked outside to see the fire raging. Branches and pieces of bark flew around him. It happened quickly, so he was only able to get their family safely out of the house, along with their family Bible from the 1800s.
DHS found an apartment for them, and Every Child brought over three truckloads of household items to get them started.
The next week, friends from six churches delivered a moving truck full of furniture, kitchen and dining supplies, bathroom supplies, bedding, clothing, and toiletries. A local pastor came with the delivery team so he could pray with them too! Another friend went through her closet to find clothes to share, since she wears the same size as the foster mom. Mrs. Kroh was overjoyed by all the cute clothes that fit her just right!
Testimonies from the Holiday Farm Fire
In the midst of the Holiday Farm Fire’s devastation, God's people are praying and respond – and seeing many evidences of God’s mercy.
Fire Fighting
• After the first initial days, weather conditions grew increasingly favorable for fire-fighting, and more rain than expected came over the weekend of September 18th.
• First responders were protected, only one non-life-threatening injury was reported by fire personnel.
• The fire is growing in containment, and many evacuation levels decreased, if not lifted.
• God gave wisdom to leadership to issue evacuation levels early.
• There has been tremendous inter-agency and outside agency coordination to fight the fire.
God’s Immediate Intervention
• Deputies and fire crews were blocked in by fallen debris on the roads up the McKenzie. Soon after, the road was cleared, and the crew safely escaped.
• An elderly couple were surrounded by fire and didn’t have a path to get out. They began calling family members to say ‘goodbye.’ A family member mobilized her church to pray. That evening the report came that they were rescued by the forest service! They are now safe.
Salvation from the Ashes
KEZI aired this Jesus-survivor testimony, it's a must watch! It visibly impacted the reporter.
Following the interview, the man heard from his daughter in Las Vegas. The night of the fire, as they watched the church burn down, he called his daughter to say ‘goodbye.’ Later he learned, that his daughter prayed a “If you spare my dad, I’ll go to church and follow You” prayer. She went to church the next Sunday, and called to tell her dad she chose to follow Jesus!
Survivor Shelter Testimonies
In response to the immediate need of shelter for evacuees, people offered homes and RVs, and some churches supported hotel bills or opened their buildings/parking lots. One woman even opened her home to a stranger – who was released from the hospital and could not return home.
A mother with three children, two being kids in foster care, came to the Red Cross area looking for help. They had just learned they lost their home. They had one car, three dogs, and five people staying in one room at her nephew’s home. Her greatest need was shelter for her three dogs. Volunteers discovered they know her church family! She was connected with her church family; they found dog shelter.
Two days early, another church member (of the same church) had offered a rental home as shelter for an evacuee. All the while, DHS was making connections with Every Child, on behalf of this family. The short story is, within 24 hours, this family went from hoping to have a place for their dogs, to having a house for the whole family, with space for the three dogs as well! The owner of the home was thrilled to serve another member of their church saying, “We love dogs! We love babies!”
Living Water Fellowship
Pastor Doug Farrington attended his first One Hope Pastors’ & Leaders’ Prayer Gathering in September – not two weeks after his church burned to the ground in Blue River. He called being surrounded by their love and support “like landing on a pillow.”
Additionally, New Life Church in Springfield welcomed the church to use their facility. Entering their first meeting, Pastor Doug expected to comfort his grieving congregation. Instead they praised, gave glory to God with their testimonies, and had the most powerful meeting they’ve ever had – the Spirit of the Overcomer is alive in them!
Red Cross, Mental Health and Lane County Invite Prayer Onsite
Leaders at Silke Field, the Masonic Lodge Distribution Site, and Lane County’s Multi-Agency Resource Center (MARC), requested people and pastors be present onsite to listen, talk and pray with people. Through it, God knit the presence of the praying church further into the fabric of our county. One mental health professional was thankful for the partnership, saying, “Many of the evacuees don’t want to talk to us, but they will definitely receive prayer!”
Foster Families
Thanks to how God led Every Child to support foster families in the COVID-19 crisis, they were ready to wrap around evacuated foster families! Every Child identified 13 foster families who evacuated, two of which lost their home. They are surrounding them with caring community, and the stories of generosity are over the top!
Resilient Evacuee
An elderly woman from Vida, who lived close to Good Pasture Bridge was at the Red Cross Site, waiting for shelter. We got her a chair, listened to her story. We asked if she’d like prayer, she immediately replied ‘yes’. After we prayed for her, she turned around and prayed for us! She prayed with complete faith and hope, all in the midst of her own loss. The Spirit of the overcomer, fully alive and shining through!
Project Hope: God's People Bringing Peace in a Chaotic Season
Even in a pandemic, God graced His people to bring support and peace to families through Project Hope.
COVID-19 Changes = Peace for Families
The six giveaway locations and thirty minute appointments gave our guests a “back-to-school” memory, as if the pressures of the pandemic were suspended for a moment.
Uplifting Weary Administrators & Staff
One school secretary volunteered at the giveaway, and the reunion with students she hadn’t seen since March brought her to tears. Superintendents and administrators also attended, beaming as students chose new shoes and took back-to-school photos. One said it “refilled her bucket in the worst of times.”
Good News on the Airwaves
Both KEZI and KVAL covered the story with hope and accuracy – a specific prayer point on the prayer guide.
New Shoes: Just the Right Fit
We pray for students to find shoes they like, and volunteers rejoiced they had so many happy customers.
Together 50 churches and 20+ business/organizations partnered to make available 3,500 pairs of new shoes and socks, and 3,000 backpacks filled with school supplies to students at giveaways in Eugene, Springfield and Junction City.
No one imagined a week after Project Hope we'd be facing a massive fire crisis. We're thankful the outreach became a peaceful moment for families in the middle of a turbulent year.
Thank you for joining in the prayer strategy God gave the churches of Lane County five years ago. He set One Church – One Day in place for such a time as this!
Two riots planned in Eugene (with the intention of violence; not peaceful protests) fizzled after focused prayer.
The week after the Springfield escalation, the Sheriff received credible information that violence would target the federal court house in Eugene. He sent out the call for prayer. The threat came to nothing.
There was also a protest planned to tear down the cross at New Hope Christian College. The college planned a worship and prayer time around the cross in response. During that time, a Jesus-follower ministered to a counter-protester sporting an offensive shirt and a large gun. They had a discussion about love and hate, and soon the counter-protester repented for his hate, and said he wanted to love people and pursue change like the Jesus-follower did. The counter-protester then crossed the street to have a conversation with a protester. He offered him water and asked to have a conversation, after apologizing to him.
The Eugene business community and families received good news early August – a new manufacturing business is coming to the former Hynix building. It’s expected to bring 100 new jobs to the city next year with several hundred more in the years after.
In a Register Guard article on August 5th, Matt Sayre, director of the local economic development nonprofit Onward Eugene, said he believes Stratacache will help Eugene reinvigorate high-skill manufacturing here, provide family wage, which will be a “sorely needed local win” since the pandemic.
Prayer for Superintendents & Childcare Solutions
Multiple school leaders have asked the Church for prayer, solutions and help surrounding childcare. The Junction City ministerial association even had the opportunity to pray for the Junction City superintendent, a fellow Jesus-follower, at their last meeting.
Throughout the summer, school leaders were in regular communication with One Hope and church leaders. This lead to discussions addressing the childcare crisis. Two superintendents and the YMCA approached One Hope with the questions, “In the fall when students don’t go back to school buildings, could church buildings be used for YMCA childcare?” A number of churches are in dialogue with the YMCA, and this fall we will see some churches open their facilities to childcare programs!
Photo Credit: Chris Pietsch/The Register-Guard
In our July prayer guide, we prayed for our community to have accurate knowledge, confidence and peace about how local law enforcement operates with higher standards and different policies compared to many other cities.
On July 5th, CNN posted an article highlighting the positive partnership between CAHOOTS and the Eugene police department. CAHOOTS stands for Crisis Assistance Helping Out on the Streets. It’s a non-profit organization that responds to mental health crises, homelessness, substance abuse, and threats of suicide. CAHOOTS has worked in partnership with our local law enforcement for over 30 years, responding to crisis situations and allowing police to respond to criminal situations.
Now other cities are looking to Eugene as a model and are asking CAHOOTS to help them build their own crisis intervention programs to work in partnership with law enforcement.
Over the years, we have prayed for both our local law enforcement and for CAHOOTS. We pray for wisdom and growth in communication between agencies. We pray for safety and support for our first responders. Not only is God answering our prayers, but He is raising up this collaborative model as a positive example for change in other communities. We are thankful that God is shining light on the way our local law enforcement operates with a higher standard. Let’s continue to pray in agreement with law enforcement leaders for God to raise up righteous practices and officers in all departments.
Andrew, Scottie. “This town of 170,000 replaced some cops with medics and mental health workers. It’s worked for over 30 years.” CNN.com, Cable News Network, 5 July 2020, https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/05/us/cahoots-replace-police-mental-health-trnd/index.html. Accessed 9 July 2020.
In May we prayed:
for all barriers to be removed that isolate vulnerable students and families.
for great synergy & effectiveness as groups and churches provide support to educators in this season, that new partnerships develop and remain in place after this time.
We already shared the ways churches responded to food insecurity this spring, but the testimony continued through the summer!
As summer approached, 4J school counselors saw a need looming over some of their most barriered families: with summer break just around the corner and school counselors scheduled to go on vacation, who would step in to fill the gap? Who would deliver meal boxes to families who could not access food services for lack of transportation?
That’s when they turned to One Hope… to the churches. Could churches pick up where school counselors left off? Thanks to the relationships churches already had through School Partnerships, the answer was ‘YES.’
Volunteers from eight churches committed to deliver weekly meal boxes to 51 families on behalf of 4J through the summer. In addition, volunteers from three churches committed to serving hot Food for Lane County meals daily in the Glenwood neighborhood. Beyond churches, this was made possible through the efforts of 4J and Springfield food services, Eugene Mobile Village and Food for Lane County. We see God’s hand opening the doors for God’s people to work side by side with these organizations to feed kids, and many organizations are partnering together to accomplish this mission!
We prayed for local health care leaders to collaborate with each other and have God’s wisdom in their decisions. Since then we have received reports that healthcare agencies in our community have greatly improved collaboration and communication in this current season. Beyond that, the CEO of Peacehealth has openly communicated that she is looking to God in this time!
Over the years, we have prayed for God to lead the development of a mental health crisis center for unhoused individuals. Our government strategic team was encouraged by new progress toward this goal in two ways:
1. There is greater coordination among the city, county and stake holders around this area.
2. Part of a $2.1 million grant for Lane County will be applied to these efforts.
We continuously pray for hope-filled stories to be highlighted in all local media. On July 4th, The Register Guard posted an article highlighting the life of a 101-year-old WWII vet and his life well lived despite many obstacles in his lifetime, including the Spanish flu pandemic, the Great Depression, and WWII.
These are the stories we’re praying to be highlighted: those that remind us to remain positive, to serve others, and that seasons of hardship come and go…and even make us more resilient!
Thorburn, Ryan. “WWII vet celebrates independence.” The Register-Guard, 4 July 2020, p. A1.
When COVID-19 came to town, churches took a faith-filled stand praying for God to protect our community and for the virus spread to be curbed. One praying friend even spotted the “flattest rainbow she’d ever seen” in West Eugene after we focused prayer through One Church – One Day.
That is just what God did - the state and county numbers testify to the answer! The numbers in Lane County are far less than first predicted.
As of May 26, 2020, Lane County only reported 67 confirmed cases and 2 deaths - that’s less than .02% of our population. While, these numbers do not show a complete picture, the numbers are still incredibly low for a county our size. Additionally, over the line in Linn County, for three straight weeks OSU tested 600 people, finding no new positive cases.
With much faith and gratitude, let’s keep praying for God to continue to protect our community.
When schools stopped in-person teaching, One Hope reached out to the school districts to see how churches could best serve them. The districts asked One Hope to be a communication hub for churches during the crisis. As result, churches were able to help deliver meals to local school families and provide financial assistance to families in need. We received word that One Hope (representing the churches working together) was celebrated in meetings with all three district superintendents and principals. The Church has been and is showing up!
At the beginning of this month, the Springfield school district reached out to One Hope with a big ask for the Church. They wanted families in churches to adopt families who have barriers and deliver food boxes once a week. We are thankful to report that 40 church families stepped up to fill this gap, and local churches are still working to meet this need.
God’s Relentless Pursuit
A local church family was matched with a Springfield family for food box delivery. This Springfield family happened to be "couch-surfing" in their West Eugene neighborhood. In the process of setting up the delivery, the church family discovered they had history with the mother. Twelve years ago, they opened their home to her for six months, ministering to her, helping her get clean and sharing the Gospel with her. Unfortunately, when her children were taken into foster care, she returned to meth, and they lost touch. Now 12 years later, through Families Feeding Families, they are connecting again! Our Father pursues his lost sheep (Matthew 18:12-14).
A local man felt moved to bring a bag of bottles and cans to the recycling center on Broadway. He told the Lord he would give the bag to whomever was at the end of the line. When he got there, he was stunned and overjoyed to see at the end of the line a homeless man he knew from the Egan Warming Center. The homeless man had a huge smile and heartfelt thank you when he received the bag of cans.
What a testimony to following the prompting of the Holy Spirit! Be encouraged to ask the Lord how you can do the same.
Health workers come together to pray in the chapel at the hospital. A doctor who never expressed interest in prayer stumbled into their meeting, feeling distraught. The group took the opportunity to pray for him!
On May 18, 540 devices tuned in to Community- Wide Worship Online! People from all over Lane County came together in spirit to worship together and pray over our community. We are thankful that technology and church resources made it possible for us to virtually gather! At the end of the service, we presented the Gospel and 11 people responded.
Praise the Lord!
Overflow Hope: Sharing Hope Together
It all began with a new billboard structure going up on the One Hope office property.
What would the message be? What COULD the message be? God was stirring us. What if His words, His living words, were artistically put on display declaring truth 24/7 to every commuter on a busy street? As we pursued this in prayer, we began dreaming and creating with God. We felt His love and compassion wanting to draw people to Himself and give them hope!
On Good Friday, Overflow Hope launched as a platform to share the Good News!
Overflow Hope engages Bible phrases artistically crafted on billboards. They are linked to social media and a website where the curious can discover who Jesus is and connect with Jesus' people in local churches.
All of this began stirring and was put into motion just before COVID -19 interrupted all of our lives…when hope is all the more needed.
First Fruits: Overflow Hope Website Inquiry
Just recently, a local student reached out through the Overflow Hope website wanting to know more about a lifestyle of following Jesus. Praise the Lord - His message is reaching the curious!
1) Follow @overflowhope on Instagram and Facebook.
2) Engage with our social media posts: “like, comment, tag & share.”
3) Pray for the Gospel Message & Share your faith
Sarai Johnson
Photo Credit: Tatiana Parafiniuk-Talesnick/The Register Guard
For a year, we have prayed for God to guide the implementation & leadership selection of the TAC Report (Technical Assistance Collaborative), a comprehensive city/county strategic plan to house the unhoused. This February, Lane County and the city of Eugene hired Sarai Johnson as the new Joint Housing and Shelter Strategist. Sarai will work on strategies to house the unhoused and to create affordable housing for low-income households. We are thankful God has placed a passionate person in this role. Let’s pray that the Lord would impart wisdom and grace to Sarai.
In February, we had a Prayer Coordinators gathering, and we heard of how God is moving in churches. Here are some of the testimonies to celebrate:
· A Schwan’s delivery man felt impressed to witness to people as he delivered his food. As a result, one couple received the gospel, shared the good news with their own family, got plugged in a local church, and started their own home group!
· A pastor started a new ministry at the University.
· A few local Uber drivers made it their mission to pray for their passengers. They called it their “moving sanctuary”.
· One church witnessed God moving in great ways at their weekly healing prayer room.
· Another church started prayer two nights a week, working towards their goal of building a house of prayer.
· A young family who was struggling to find affordable rent found a place to live after the church board came together and prayed for them.
· Another church saw 10 people baptized, 3 of those were children from the same family.
· God is a using a pastor to minister to others as he undergoes treatment at a treatment center. We are believing for God’s full healing!
Serenity Lane has new leadership, and the culture has changed for the better. Serenity Lane hopes to start church services for patients in the near future.
Volunteers helped to makeover this DHS parent visitation room.
In three years, Every Child fielded more than 337 new foster family inquiries and offered them personal one-on-one support as they explored the process. Over 80 new certified foster families have been recruited directly from Every Child’s efforts in Lane County.
We have raised up over 250 people willing to support current foster parents with respite care (babysitting). Foster parent burnout is a huge issue within the DHS retention program. The lack of respite care is the main reason for burnout.
Every Child developed monthly training events to equip volunteers, foster parents and birth parents with a “tool kit” of resources to best care for children dealing with trauma. (This training is in partnership with Christians As Family Advocates (CAFA), a longstanding, reputable counseling center in Eugene). To date, we have held twenty-five trainings with 260 total attendees.
Donations for Every Child’s Fun Drive. These toys and art supplies were given to DHS offices for visitation rooms. What a blessing for children to have activities, games, and toys they can play with when interacting with their bio parents.
Over 400 volunteers helped makeover all 24 parent visitation rooms in Lane County (Eugene, Springfield, Florence and Cottage Grove) with over $60,000 in donated toys, furniture and supplies.
324 volunteers met more than 200 child-specific tangible needs (emergency items given to care for foster children).
450+ Welcome Boxes have been created by community members to provide children in foster care with activities, snacks, and special items when first entering the foster care system, long journeys to a new home, or a day in court.
Let’s rejoice in all that God has done through Every Child!
The Pacific Rim Art Guild, a collaboration of Christ-following artists, is partnering with Corban University to open a branch in Salem. It’s an answer to prayer to see more Christians uniting to share the Gospel through art.
In March, we prayed for under-served populations to have access to the arts. Stephanie Jackson, the director of the CAFA Creative Connections program desires to creatively cultivate and build communities of compassion, connection, and purpose through art. She recently had the opportunity to do a mosaic project with a Head Start class. She witnessed children create meaningful art, learn new skills to regulate “big” emotions, and build meaningful connections.
A christmas Memory
DHS Christmas PArty for Foster Kids
For four years now, Every Child has facilitated a Christmas party for foster children and their biological parents. Local churches and businesses partner together to lead an afternoon full of fun-filled activities for these families.
“Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete... This is to My Father’s glory...””
Over 200 children attended this event, blessed with the opportunity to spend hours with their biological parents, playing games, decorating cookies, taking pictures with Santa, and listening to stories from Mrs. Claus.
Local churches and businesses provided presents that biological parents gave to their children at the party. So many gifts were donated, that the surplus supplied DHS and other non-profit organizations who work with children in care with gifts to give more children.
We rejoice in this sweet moment when families are reunited in joyous activities, and when laughter fills the hallways melting the hearts of the volunteers. Let’s continue to pray for foster children as they overcome the trauma of being removed from their home, for biological parents that they may strive to do what’s needed to reunite their family, and for foster parents that they may have support and wisdom in caring for these children.
Wiping the Slate Clean
This answer to prayers highlights how we’ve prayed for schools, families, and The Register Guard stories.
On December 23rd, The Register Guard reported that New Hope Church paid off the school lunch debt for children who qualify for free and reduced lunch. The church reached out to Bethel School District and 4J District and were told that tackling the lunch debt would be most helpful. New Hope raised over $13,700 to pay off the lunch debt for Bethel schools and $5,700 for Eugene 4J schools.
Paying this debt removes the financial burden from families who cannot afford to pay it, and alleviates the negative impact the debt puts on the districts’ general funds.
Let’s praise God for this beautiful act of the church partnering with schools and for the relief this brings to over 1,000 students and their parents.
More Mentors in Schools
In November, we prayed for more mentors to come alongside students at every grade level bringing hope and encouragement. We have received a report that more mentors have been connecting in schools, and Bethel School District is starting a mentoring program!
Monroe Middle School reported a large increase this fall, currently having 26 middle school mentors. This is a praise, and is making a difference. Students who have attendance issues have been more consistent, looking forward to their lunch with their mentor.
Furthermore, one local business is providing an opportunity for its employees to engage as mentors in schools. And because of this, one woman shared her testimony of impact she is making in a student’s life.
Praise God that more and more people are stepping up to mentor students. Let’s pray that every student who needs a mentor will get one.
Dove Medical Grant
Dove Medical is hiring a Nurse Practitioner in 2020. This will allow Dove to expand their services.
At the end of November, Dove Medical received the news that they were awarded a grant from the Murdock Charitable Trust which will pay for the Nurse Practitioner’s salary for the first year of employment! The grant will also supply partial funds to compensate the NP’s salary for years two (66%) and three (33%).
Please pray that Dove will receive funding for the remaining salary for years two and three as well as funding to pay for the NP’s annual malpractice insurance.
Loving Our Community
Thanksgiving Meal Outreach
On November 26th, volunteers packed 1300 Thanksgiving meal boxes and delivered them to families throughout our community. The meal boxes were purchased by churches, organizations, and individuals at a reduced price thanks to a large grant given by Fred Meyer.
God had a plan for each and every meal box. Here is the story of one meal box: A teacher felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to purchase three meal boxes not knowing where the third box would go. Sure enough, this teacher learned of a single mom who needed a box. The teacher connected with her and personally delivered the meal, including a few extras such as a countdown Christmas calendar for the children. The mom was so moved and blessed. God knew all along where that extra box would go. He saw that single mom in her struggles and saved a box just for her.
This is one of the 1300 ways the Lord blessed our community through His people. Let’s praise God for his provision and blessing to families in need.
Stories Of hope & Healing
For many months we’ve been praying for community-building and Jesus-glorifying stories to be reported through The Register-Guard (RG). On two Sundays in a row, September 29th and October 6th, stories of hope took over the front page of the RG.
DeliverAnce from Despair
Kenya Wilkins Photo Credit: Chris Pietsch/The Register Guard
The first story of hope highlights Kenya Wilkins, a former Oregon basketball star, and his journey out of the depths of addiction and suicidal thoughts. We have prayed for God to intervene and help those struggling with drug addiction. According to the RG story from September 29th, Kenya Wilkins found himself in despair and thinking about jumping in front of a truck. An addiction to pain medication led to further drug addiction, causing financial ruin and family separation. But on one dark night, Wilkins heard the whisper of a small voice telling him to cry for help, and he did.
The RG story reports that a “cavalry of caring was headed for his doorstep.” We have also prayed that God would empower health workers, teachers, parents, and friends to bring hope, healing, and rescue to those dealing with suicidal thoughts. God answered for Wilkins! The community gathered around him and helped lead him out of the darkness.
We are rejoicing in Wilkin’s story of hope and deliverance and how God is using it to bring hope to others that are struggling. Let’s continue to pray that God will rescue more people from the depths of addiction and suicidal thoughts.
More stories of Deliverance
A young woman recently approached a pastor and shared how God saved her from suicidal despair, and she is ready to share her story to help others who are struggling.
A young man told another local leader that after having multiple friends his age commit suicide, he wondered if he was also destined to take that path. But he made the decision to fight for his life. He decided he wants to live, and he is attending a local church regularly.
Continue your prayers for those struggling with suicidal thoughts because they are making a difference!
Rescue and Redemption
The second story of hope highlights Lindsey Cooper, owner of Identity Dance Company. In October, we prayed for Identity Dance, a Christ honoring group: for Jesus’ light and love as they perform at community events.
Lindsey Cooper Photo Credit: Dana Sparks /The Register Guard
On Sunday, October 6th, the front page of the RG displayed this picture shown above with Cooper sitting in front of a mural in her studio that says, “You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made”. Cooper is a sex trafficking survivor. The article highlights her story, the efforts the county is making to combat sex trafficking, and the current challenges in helping victims. This story was the first of four parts, continued over four days of front-page articles in the RG.
In the past, we have prayed for human-trafficking victims to be rescued. Lindsey Cooper’s story is a story of redemption and rescue. God intervened in Lindsey’s life, and now she is providing a safe place through her dance studio to help other young people find a purpose and a place to belong. She teaches her students about persevering through suffering. She also tells her story to others in hopes that she can help other victims reach out for help.
Part four of the story, highlights Diana Janz, the founder and director of Hope Ranch Ministries, a nonprofit, faith-based, fellowship committed to providing safety, healing and hope for survivors of sex trafficking.
Let’s rejoice in how God is using these stories to bring glory to his saving power and to reach others who are suffering. Let’s pray that more people are rescued from the clutch of sex trafficking and that others are encouraged to share their stories and to offer help and healing to victims.
For all four parts of the story on the impact of sex trafficking in Lane County and for information on how to help, visit:
As Halloween approaches, let’s continue to pray for Identity Dance, that they may shine God’s light as they perform at community events.
Housing the unhoused
For many months we’ve been praying for God to guide the implementation and leadership selection of the Technical Assistance Collaborative Report, a comprehensive city/county strategic plan to house the unhoused.
Photo Credit: Bergsund and Delaney Architecture and Planning / The Register Guard
On October 3rd, the RG ran an article stating that, “Construction is expected to begin this fall on a 51-unit apartment complex near Autzen Stadium with 24-hour, in-house services for the homeless”. The construction is scheduled to be completed in December 2020.
Let’s continue praying for God to guide the plans for developing further housing for the homeless.
Prayer at Lane cOmmunity College
God is moving in mighty ways throughout Lane Community College. In September, we prayed for Jesus-following LCC staff and students to be bold and loving in their witness for the Lord.
Jesus-following staff set up a table at in-service letting people know there is a campus prayer group and people saw and responded. Someone even asked one of the staff members to pray with her. The desire to pray is growing, so LCC implemented another weekly designated time to gather for prayer. God is also placing LCC on the hearts of other campus ministry leaders, and two students are walking through the campus and praying on a regular basis. Let’s rejoice in the movement of the Holy Spirit at LCC and pray for more staff and students to know Jesus’ love.
Hispanic Church Vitality
God is doing a mighty work in the unity of Hispanic pastors and their relationships with anglo-pastors and leaders. Thank you for praying for their unity, vitality and needed ministry in our community. Here are two ways God continued His work, knitting hearts and His Body together, this August:
Conversations with the Sheriff Forge Relationship, Awareness and Trust
In August, Lane County Sheriff Cliff Harrold attended the Hispanic Pastors Gathering. They built relationship over carne asada, laughs, and deep conversation.
The Sheriff began like this, “I didn’t come in my uniform, because I know my uniform and other uniforms like it can cause fear. I would love to talk about how we can reduce fear together. That fear keeps people who need help from calling us. We exist to keep the peace in our community and enforce local law; we don’t do immigration. We want everyone our community to feel safe calling, regardless of immigration status or ethnicity. I want to reduce fear and build relationship, but I defer to your wisdom on how to do that.”
The Hispanic pastors asked questions and shared concerns of people in their congregation.... and they were heard. Cliff extended the invitation multiple times for anyone in their congregations to call him with questions at any time, and the pastors invited him to come share with their churches.
Our Sheriff expressed his commitment to them, and the pastors articulated that they heard and believed his commitment.
One of the pastors summarized it like this, “I hear you extending relationship to us, and we receive it. I recognize that you are in a difficult position. You are called to keep peace when the national climate is stirring racial hate on one side and immigration fear on the other. I also want to say, we extend relationship back to you. If you need anything, help or prayer, please call us.”
They ended the evening together in prayer for our community, one another and next steps to help the Hispanic community feel safe.
We are so thankful that God is appointing community leaders who are committed to prayer, the peace and the wellbeing of our community and all of its members.We can’t wait to see what God will do through our growing unity, despite divisive times.
Hispanic Church Partnership
Llamados a Conquistar, a Hispanic Church in Springfield prayed for a space to rent in Eugene to expand their ministry. In August, they moved into Westside Christian Church. This is what Westside’s new senior pastor had to say:
“Starting this Sunday Westside will have their service at 11am and Llamados a Conquistar will have their service at 3pm! This is AWESOME! We have already begun discussions on ways we can go beyond just sharing the space to working together to amplify our gospel efforts. PRAISE GOD!”
The Hispanic pastors were overjoyed as they talked about how beautiful the space is and how the people of Westside helped them move in.
Women + the Gospel
When One Hope Women began gathering women in ministry to pray together and build relationships, the Lord gave them this verse: “The Lord gave the command; a great company of women brought the good news" (Psalm 68:11). Years later, when churches partnered with the Luis Palau Association in CityFest to collaboratively share the Gospel, One Hope Women had a unique opportunity: to lead the women in their churches to bring the good news to their unsaved friends through the CityFest Women’s Outreach in 2018. More than quarter of the women who attended responded to the Gospel, and God used the relationships of One Hope Women to “bring the good news.”
In summer of 2019, they decided to do it again. This time, women gathered on blankets around desserts with their friends to hear testimonies and the Gospel presentation from local women. Beth Moore came to town five days later, and the Word and the Gospel Message continued to go forward.
Here are a few testimonies from the events:
10 churches partnered together to share the Good News.
About a dozen people made first time commitments to Christ (that we know of).
A ninety-five-year-old woman responded to the Gospel at Beth Moore. Her praying family was elated. The next day, she passed away and went home to be with Jesus. Praise God for her salvation and that her family could grieve with peace and hope!
A woman responded to the Gospel after having stopped using drugs a few days earlier. Two days after the outreach, she was connected with a Christian recovery home.
A mother had been fervently praying for her adult son. He is recovering from drug addiction and far from the Lord. He got a job working security at Matthew Knight Arena for “some lady named Beth.” He was assigned to be Beth Moore’s personal security detail. When she went on stage, he listened intently to her message. The next day called his mom to tell her the story. He said he heard and understood the Gospel like he never had before.
Cottage Grove Makeover
The Cottage Grove DHS office was the only DHS office that had not received a makeover from local churches and businesses through Every Child … until this summer! Volunteers from 3 churches and ministries and 10 business/organizations partnered to give the Cottage Grove DHS office a makeover.
They tackled two visitation rooms, the nursing mother's room, the staff break room and an outdoor play area.
Everyone came together to do their part by offering their unique talents and resources. Skilled craftsmen worked with their hands to build shelves, a bench and more storage. The local coffee shop held a toy drive, the library collected books, and other businesses donated funds. Even a local muralist came to the table to fill the visitation rooms with creativity.
This is an answer to prayer in a few regards. First, there are new, colorful spaces for kids to meet with their birth parents. The atmosphere creates a healing environment for vulnerable families and boosts DHS morale. Secondly, it’s an answer to prayer for unity and collaboration in the Creswell and Cottage Grove community. This is the first step like this, that we know of, that Creswell and Cottage Grove churches have taken together.
New ECCO Building
We prayed for God to provide a centrally located building for ECCO, 4J’s alternative high school, and a new building is going up next to the district office! The plans are intended to be completed by the start of the school year, and we’ll keep praying for God to establish ECCO and empower them to serve some of our community’s most vulnerable youth.
Community Safety:
84 new hires
The Eugene Police Department is hiring 84 new police officers. This is thanks to broad community agreement, along with a fast and focused process to improve community safety, by supporting first
responders and the local justice system. This is the first time in years that our community has the recommended number of police officers per capita, compared to other communities of our size. This is a huge answer to prayer for increased community safety.
number of children in foster care decreases
For the second year in a row, the number of children in foster care in Lane County has decreased, and DHS is taking notice! They attribute the decline to more quality intervention efforts and more families being reunited. Thank you for praying for vulnerable children, God is answering our cry in many ways.
The Neighborhood: To Wrap Around Foster Families
“Pray for foster families to be supported and thrive: for community to come around them and for organizations who serve vulnerable families to be strengthened.”
This “answer” is in progress, but worth celebrating all the same! In essence, this prayer request is praying for “the Neighborhood” (a program Every Child plans to launch locally here in Lane County). The Neighborhood recruits community groups to come around a foster family, like a neighborhood community would. Groups provide support through meals, service, babysitting, etc. Wrap-around support is crucial to the longevity of foster parents.
In the last two months, two large churches have expressed interest and commitment to the program. One pastor, even spoke from the pulpit how his life group plans to support a foster family in their church.
Also, organizations who serve children in foster care are being strengthened. In May, Every Child had a very successful fundraiser, and in April, Safe Families had 9 new churches inquire about partnership. God is strengthening those who care for vulnerable children!
Artists: Profitable Work
The word among freelance musicians is that more of them are finding consistent work. Plus, they are getting better pay for what they do – certainly, an answer to prayer for God’s provision for local artists.
the peace of first responder Families
Thanks to a growing relationship between Junction City churches and their police department, the churches facilitated an appreciation gathering. An elder encouraged the officers and their spouses by sharing that more than 40 churches pray from them monthly. The wonder, relief & peace in the room seemed tangible as many first responders and their spouses heard of the prayer covering for the first time. The knowledge of our prayers and God’s protection is contributing to their wellbeing.
art: filling the walls of dhs
We’ve prayed for God to use Christian artists to bring light to our community, and here is one example. A few years ago, the Pacific Rim Art Guild, a collaboration of Christ-following artists, filled DHS hallways with their paintings. The response was so great, that they recently switched out the art with 35 new paintings – even adding new art pieces near workers who requested them.
brand new led lights
A church often dreamed and prayed about replacing all of their light fixtures with LED lights to save on electricity, though the price far exceeded their budget. They learned of a large store who planned to replace all of their lights with LEDs. They connected with the business and learned they over-ordered and were looking to donate the leftover lights. The church thought they’d receive a few lights. To their surprise, the store gave them 9 pallets of new LED lights - a $30-40K donation. Provision comes in many forms!
A new warehouse
We’ve partnered with Love Inc by praying for a new warehouse (to store donations that provide their clients furniture & other necessities). They moved into a new space that will house their warehouse and their offices on July 1st! With all of their operations in one location, they will better serve their clients.
ReAching Neighborhood kids
An older congregation in Camp Creek prayed for more connections with children and families. At their recent kid’s musical, nearly 30 kids participated from their church and the community. Not all the kids attend church, but they regularly participate in the kids’ events.
Weapon + Drug Bust
We prayed for the Eugene Police Department’s new Community Safety Program and Street Crimes Unit, in addition to asking for God to expose crime. During a crackdown in May, the new unit discovered machine guns, other weapons and drugs near an elementary school. It led to the arrest of a number of individuals.
Training Coaches
Coaches clinics are planned for sports coaches in Junction City this summer - an answer to prayer for quality coaches!
More mentors in schools
We prayed for more people to start mentoring students in schools. In April, seven people committed to mentoring at a Eugene Middle School. The school counselor was ecstatic at the answer to prayer, as it doubled the program!
funding for kids literacy
We pray for children to read at grade level by third grade, as currently more than half of school-aged children in Lane County do not. This spring, the City of Eugene devoted a one-time sum of $100,000 to help young people learn to read, which will be used in partnership with local school districts. This needed resource is an answer to prayer along the way to the long-term goal of childhood literacy.
business: a new perspective on godly wealth
A pastor had a meeting with a business leader on his church’s One Church – One Day prayer day. Their conversation turned to a discussion about wealth. Through the conversation, God gave the businessman a new perspective on godly wealth, and revealed some lies he believed. Later the pastor remembered the prayer request on the prayer guide, “Pray for a wise, positive and godly perspective on creating wealth: For local wealth to express Jesus’ love and be utilized for the greatest good.” The discussion was an answer to this prayer request in the businessman’s life. His renewed perspective on godly wealth is sure to influence how he leads his business.
Stepping toward a mental health crisis center
In May, Lane County committed the first one million dollars to a new Mental Health Crisis Center (an agreed upon necessity according to first responders, government, the justice system and nonprofits). We are praying specifically for the creation of a County Mental Health Crisis Center to provide experienced care for suffering individuals and alleviate pressure from hospitals, first responders and the jail.
Migraines Healed
A core member of a Eugene church could no longer participate in the outreaches she loved because of debilitating migraines. A few members of the church prayed for her healing. To this day, she has not suffered from another migraine!
Grants: Sharing the love
A Eugene pastor learned of a company’s grant opportunity that could benefit a local faith-based nonprofit. He called the nonprofit, and they suggested he share the opportunity with two other nonprofits as well. Last month, all three organizations received their grant requests! Plus, the pastor’s church also received funding for a school partnership project. It’s an answer to prayer for greater trust and collaboration between both churches and nonprofits!
church hosts parenting class for school
A church in Eugene stepped into a needed gap to serve families this spring. In partnership with CAFA, they hosted a 6-week parenting class for neighbors, DHS clients and parents from a nearby middle school. They offered holistic support, by offering a meal and childcare as well. The school offered enthusiastic support, and the church was free to invite the school’s families.
Their example is inspiring other churches to do the same with their school partnerships. It’s an answer to prayer for parents to be equipped and for church/school partnerships to grow and flourish.
Foster Parents Equipped
All Lane County Foster Parents were invited to attend a free 8-week parenting class, thanks to a dynamic partnership! The True Insight Parenting Classes are designed for parents who care for kids with trauma histories. CAFA provided the training and Every Child rallied volunteers. An Oregon Community Foundation grant made it possible. It was held live at First Baptist and simulcast to four rural locations (Veneta, Florence, Junction City and Creswell). What an answer to prayer for partners to support foster families!
In total, 45 volunteers served meals and provided free childcare. Over the 8-weeks, people engaged with the material 492 times online, and parents attended 440 times. Here are a few stories:
She stayed in the quiet room while her foster parents attended the classes. She sat by herself and didn't get along with other kids. While one of the volunteers sat with her, she confided that she hated her life. The volunteers gave her one-on-one attention every week. Soon the change was evident: She smiled, sang, made paper airplanes and played with other kids.
Determined MOTHER
After the final class, a mom took a selfie with her TIPS completion certificate in front of an Every Child yard sign that challenged Oregonians to "show up for kids in foster care." She wasn't a foster parent, but rather a parent working to regain custody of her son. She was thankful because the class taught her how to be a better parent. She took a yard sign with her, determined to make the number of kids in foster care to “one less.”
New superintendent
We prayed for the process and selection of the next Springfield Superintendent for four months. Todd Hamilton was unanimously selected as the next leader for Springfield Public Schools!
Todd has a wealth of knowledge having served in numerous roles across the K-12 continuum, including most recently as the Creswell Superintendent. The Board confidently hired him, believing he is the “right person to continue the positive trajectory of recent years.”
open doors
Recently, a woman remembered how she often used to share her faith. She prayed earnestly, asking God for opportunities. Following the prayer, five days in a row she had the opportunity to share her faith with five different people. Each person initiated the Gospel conversation - she didn’t!
Each encounter had a similar theme: they were people who were beginning to follow Jesus, but not because a Christian shared the Gospel with them. In one way or another, each had sought Jesus on their own. God is drawing all people to Himself & answering our prayers for salvation!
She shared the story with a friend, to learn her friend had a similar interaction. While at a downtown restaurant, a waiter heard her pray for her meal. He began to ask questions, sharing how he had recently come to faith. He said, “My family doesn’t even know I believe. Soon I need to come out and tell them.”
May these testimonies spur you on to share your faith, as the harvest is ripe!
health care answers
We’ve prayed for local emergency rooms, and there have been less people needing emergency care! This trend has alleviated some of the stress on hospital staff, as leadership continue to create systems to best support staff and patients.
During the February snowstorm, health professionals went above & beyond to care for people. Leadership made excellent decisions and staff worked extra hours, sleeping at the hospital and Serenity Lane to be available to care for people.
dove medical’s stop & think
Dove Medical’s STOP-AND-THINK (faith-based sexual risk avoidance presentation for public schools) faced scrutiny from some parents of the 4J School District.
The concerns went before the 4J School Board, and Dove Medical’s team feels the meeting was "60% positive." While some adults and 4J students spoke negatively about Dove and STOP-AND-THINK, those who spoke on behalf of STOP-AND-THINK carried themselves with humility, love and simply agreed with the School District's policy to "allow diverse sex education from a variety of perspectives." We’ve prayed for Christians to carry themselves with love and humility in all of public life and for STOP-AND-THINK.
The meeting ended on a positive note: A school board member/Planned Parenthood supporter spoke for the school board in favor of STOP-AND-THINK. The board member affirmed that any and all faith-based organizations may present in classes if the content is not religious and waivers are given to parents. She went on to say that even though she doesn't agree with everything Dove Medical is, the school board should not discriminate.
The meeting, along with an additional time with the superintendent, resulted in greater understanding on both sides. STOP-AND-THINK will continue to present at least through the end of the school year!
“The Opportunity to make a significant difference“
A local government leader attended a monthly One Hope Gathering to address the pastors. He listed the answers to prayer he sees from his perspective, and exhorted us to keep praying.
Since the start of One Church - One Day, trust and collaboration have grown between Lane County and the City of Eugene. The leader shared that they are working together better than they have in decades.
This paved the way for the TAC Report, a complete city/county strategic plan to house the unhoused; one of the greatest challenges facing our region. Here’s what he had to say about the role of prayer, hard work, and the faith community:
“This is the first time in decades where we have the opportunity to make a significant difference [by implementing the TAC Report]. Though, while we could actually make a significant impact, it is the faith community who has the miraculous gift."
The Power of Confession
A church committed a year to focusing on prayer. During the year, they realized how little we practice confession. They began to teach and give appropriate space to practice James 5. The emphasis changed a man’s life, along with his family.
The man came to his pastor, and it took nearly 20 minutes to bring his confession into the open. He’d struggled with uncontrollable rage for years, and his wife was the only one who’d witnessed it. By confessing, he broke free from his pride and came into the light. His pastor prayed with him, agreeing for his freedom. Since then, he hasn’t struggled with anger! It’s been a year of peace and freedom!
Atheist Youth to Sports Evangelist
A single mom finally convinced her self-professed atheist son to attend their church youth group. He felt so accepted and loved, he wanted to keep going. Soon after, he gave his life to Christ!
When he chose to go to church camp instead of a sporting event, his teammates criticized him. Instead of changing his plans, he took the opportunity to tell his team how much his life had changed because of Jesus!
“Unchurched” kids learn bible
An older congregation prayed for more kids to come to their church. They started a Bible Release Program through Child Evangelism where kids leave school for an hour every week to learn about the Bible. Now 43 kids attend the program! Primarily unchurched kids get to learn about the Bible every week, and the church is building relationship with them. Some of the ladies hosted a Valentine’s night for the girls, and a boy came in one afternoon saying, “I love Jesus!”
Mental Health Momentum
First Responders, along with other justice system and social service providers, meet monthly for a “Mental Health Summit” to discuss the crisis & collaborative solutions. First responders praise God for the growing momentum. Participation has grown, and so have relationships. The increased communication is leading participants to “say the same things” and see with greater perspective. There is growing consensus that there is need for a Mental Health Crisis Center that would care for individuals when a jail or hospital is not the best option.
“It was joyful“
a smooth transition for dawn to dawn
“It was joyful. It was joyful, and it was peaceful.” That’s how the supervisor of the new Dawn to Dawn homeless camp described the move from “Camp 99” to the new site (a city, county & Saint Vincent de Paul partnership). There were no arrests or citations, and everyone made quality decisions to make the transition smooth. Transitions like this have been volatile in the past, but we prayed for wisdom, peace and protection in and around Camp 99!
The repurposed army tents provided warm, dry places to sleep for 80 new guests. One man even called his first night, “The best night’s rest I’ve had in two months.”
student suicide prevention
We pray for schools to have increased and coordinated services to care for students struggling with mental health issues. The Bethel School District just launched a new evidence-based suicide prevention program! It’s called “Sources of Strength.” This year 80 high schoolers, and more middle school students will be trained as peer leaders with the help of adult advisors. It’s certainly an answer to prayer that God would empower teachers and friends to intervene and bring rescue. Plus, the program’s slogan is “Hope, help and strength” - specific things we ask God to bring to those dealing with suicide.
rising above in education
We prayed for Christian educators to have discernment and power to effectively rise above spiritual battles. One teacher had two opportunities to “rise above” and lead her coworkers to do the same.
She served on the staff holiday party planning team. At the last minute, the musical entertainment canceled. The teacher invited her church worship leader as a replacement. They prayed before the event. The atmosphere was filled with joy and connectivity! The same teacher had an opportunity to pray with her principal who’d lost their keys. They prayed, and shortly after the keys surfaced!
Springfield economic growth
Wayfair announced they’ll be moving into the Symantec building this Spring, employing 600 people! Mayor Lundberg also recognized the growth of Franz Bakery, Umpqua Dairy, the Swanson Group Mill & PacificSource as signs of the growing economy. Additionally, a third hotel is in the works for Glenwood and 20+ restaurants & businesses opened in Downtown Springfield in 2018!
Protection at Cascade
and a continued prayer
A parent brought a gun into an altercation with police outside of Cascade Middle School on January 11th. More details are forthcoming, but we praise the Lord that no children, staff members or first responders were injured. However, we grieve along with the parent’s family, as he was killed in the incident.
At the same time, we sense the urgency to continue to pray for our community’s peace, protection & the wellbeing and mental health of all of our neighbors. Please pray for the students, staff & the grieving family.
An Instant miracle
About 80 pastors & ministry leaders gathered together in December. They laughed, reconnected, and prayed. The meeting came to a close, but one leader still had a personal need. Before she left, she pulled a friend aside to ask for prayer. She was scheduled for a surgery mid-January 2019. Her insurance would change the first of the year, and she’d have to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket. If the surgery was moved to a date in 2018, insurance would cover it entirely.
They prayed for God to move the surgery to December.
Five minutes after the “Amen,” the doctor’s office called because there was an opening in six days!
In tears, they rejoiced for God’s provision and instant response. Miracles like this happen as brothers & sisters carry one another’s burdens & contend for the other’s best; something that networking events don’t provide.
We pray for the health, provision and unity of spiritual leaders - what a great example!
For kids in foster care, Christmas used to look like this: One hour in a small visitation room with their biological parents. Presents... if their parents could bring them.
Ever since churches banded together in Every Child, an effort to collaboratively care for vulnerable children and come alongside DHS, things have changed.
For three years now, eleven churches have partnered to throw a DHS Christmas party. Now, Christmas for children in foster care and their bio families looks like this:
Four hours at a massive Christmas party. Families share meals together, play games, bounce on inflatables, decorate Christmas cookies, and take pictures together with Santa – a lasting memory caught on camera. They hear stories from Mrs. Claus, and every child opens a present, provided by churches & businesses, but given by their parents!
This year, 265 kids & their parents roamed the Christmas festivities. Plus 65 DHS workers & 80 volunteers enjoyed the party too!
Every year we pray that as Jesus-followers host the celebration, families experience healing, parents are empowered to love their kids well, and reconciliation momentum builds.
In the collision of brokenness, trauma, reconciliation, love and hope, God went above & beyond in answering our prayers:
A Heartfelt Connection: A mother lay on the couch with her 15 month old on her lap. They laughed & laughed, connecting eye-to-eye; a loving interaction, surely bringing healing to the trauma of their separation.
God Drawing a Parent | A bio parent in his early twenties reflected, “Wow, it’s been years since I’ve been in this church. The last time I was here, I was in the middle school group.” An Every Child volunteer said she could see the Lord reminding him of those days, and inviting him back.
New Shoes | One boy has a disability that requires him to have specially-tailored shoes. He put the shoes on his gift wish list, though they exceeded the $25 limit. When he opened his present, his shoes were inside, and he put them on immediately! The smile didn’t leave his face or his case worker’s all day, thanks to the generosity of an unnamed present purchaser.
Encouraged DHS worker | A DHS employee volunteered for the whole party, refusing to take a break because he didn’t want to miss a thing. Seeing families connect
together was a joy for him, compared to his job which requires him to terminate parental rights.
Santa | Kids visited Santa over and over, some more than eight times. One boy even decorated a cookie for Santa!
Here’s our favorite story that illustrates what we’re believing for long-term:
A high-level DHS employee pulled the Every Child Director aside, in shock and awe. She pointed out a 10-year-old, as he & his bio dad prepared to say goodbye. They had two wonderful hours together, and she couldn’t believe it. Ever since the boy entered care, his weekly visitation has ended in such significant meltdowns that DHS has to call an intervention service to calm him down. She said, “I was keeping an eye on him, waiting for that happen. I can’t believe it, but they just had two quality hours together with no meltdown!” The Every Child Director then shared that we prayed for peaceful, healing interactions like that one!
Our long-term prayer: Peace in the presence of God, fostered by caring Jesus-followers, as fragile, separated families come back together.
the mission’s new director
We asked God to lead the process & selection of the Eugene Mission’s next Executive Director, and Sheryl Balthrop was selected! She’s a long-time resident of Eugene with a wide-variety of experience as a lawyer and president of the Eugene Chamber of Commerce. She is also an active member of First Baptist Church. She has a heart for Lane County, the unhoused population, and a collaborative vision for the future!
A BRand new wheelchair
Here is a pastor’s testimony about a praying church family, a man named Hoover & his new wheelchair!
“Hoover is a vibrant part of our community and hands out Bibles wherever he goes. Due to MS, Hoover is also a quadriplegic who depends on a specialized wheelchair. The motors broke down, as Hoover waited on insurance. His repair requests were denied three times, and he wasn’t due for a new chair for months.
During that time, Hoover was hospitalized and then entered a care facility. Doctors were unwilling to send him home because of his broken wheelchair. As weeks went by, Hoover worried he would have to be moved to long-term care. If that happened, the insurance company would not approve a new chair. A new chair would cost more than $16,000.
Hoover said it would take a miracle for the insurance company to approve a chair so he could return home. We sent his need out on the church’s prayer list
immediately .
The next morning, Hoover called me sounding like a new man. The insurance company called with the news: they approved a new chair, and it would arrive within two weeks!”
Teachers Pray for Principal
A group of Christian teachers pray at a Springfield school weekly. Last year, they learned their principal resigned and they began to pray for their next principal. This year, they were overjoyed to learn the new principal is a Jesus-follower!
This Fall, Lane County saw 23 fentanyl overdoses in four days. Doctors consider it a miracle that no one died due to overdose. We thank God for His mercy, and the publicity warnings of opiate risks. We prayed for God to expose drug abuse & intervene in the area of opiate addiction.
a miracle of growing trust | DHS, Foster Parents + The Church
In January, Every Child and CAFA will launch an 8-week TIPS class for foster parents in Lane County. It’s training to care for children impacted by trauma. Foster parents will attend free-of-cost, along with dinner and childcare! The training will be held at First Baptist in Eugene, and it will also be simulcast to five rural towns. Teams of churches in Florence, Veneta, Junction City, Creswell & Cottage Grove will host the satellite sites.
Here’s the miracle: DHS is inviting all Lane County foster parents! They’re thrilled about the material & presenter.
One pastor, and longtime foster parent, held back tears as he expressed the tremendous trust that’s developed between DHS & churches through Every Child. When he became a foster parent, he never thought he’d see something like this happen between churches and the foster care system.
An Every Child volunteer reflected on the change she’s seen in DHS staff since God’s people started serving through Every Child.“ From providing breakfast for DHS workers & organizing unmanaged clothing closets, to recruiting more foster parents & babysitters, the impact on staff is visible: They know we are Christians. They believe we don’t have a secret agenda. They trust us. They say ‘Thank you.’ They expect to see us again. What hasn’t changed is their shock and gratitude to know they’re appreciated, and that we do it together.”