One Church - One Day
Strategic Prayer Initiative
One Church - One Day provides a simple way for churches to unite in prayer for our community. Each church takes one day every month to pray from the community prayer guide.
One Church - One Day provides a simple way for churches to unite in for our community. Each church takes one day every month to pray.
This creates a church-led, year round, strategic prayer covering for our community. That's prayer on behalf of our community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year!
There are 53 churches covering 31 days of the month with prayer! And there's still room on the calendar for new churches to join in. If you're interested in participating as a church, please email strategicprayerinitiative@gmail.com.
Churches pray for their own congregation and from a Community Prayer Guide. The Community Prayer Guide features 10 strategic sectors of our society: Education, Government, Business, Healthcare, Family, Arts, Media, Sports, Police & Fire, and the Church. These areas shape the culture of our community. By praying for God's will to be done in these areas, we invite the Lord to transform our entire community. Believing leaders, representing each sector, meet monthly to collaborate on relevant ways to pray. Those specific requests are then distributed to the hundreds of people praying in churches, and they provide a basis to track measurable answers to prayer and community-wide transformation.
54 Churches Praying
24 Hours a Day
7 Days a Week
365 Days a Year
Asking God to Transform
Our Churches & Community in
10 Strategic Areas:
Education, Government, Business, Healthcare, Business, Family, the Arts, Media, Sports, Police & Fire, and the Church.
One Church - One Day Launch
“Thundering Agreement” Launch story | May 31, 2015
Read the miraculous way God responded to the One Church - One Day launch.
Lightning fills the Eugene skyline on May 31. (Chris Anderson photo, Register Guard, 6/2/15)
Foundational Answers to Prayer
Since 2015, we have recorded 45+ pages of answers to prayer in our community. Some testimonies have been extremely significant in the One Church - One Day journey, becoming part of our “shared community story.” We consider them to be “stones of remembrance” as a unified church and stories of God’s faithfulness in Lane County.
Beyond Lane County
Our community is just one of many communities who use the One Church - One Day model, developed by Tim Taylor. All over the nation and world, leaders apply these principles so churches can pray together. Taylor's resources were essential for the launch of One Church - One Day in our area, along with our partnership with Bellingham, Washington's Light of the World Prayer Center and Jason Hubbard.