School Partnerships are as varied as each school’s needs, and as diverse as the God-given gifts, people & resources within each church.  


  • A conversation with school leadership to establish relationship + discover school needs

  • A church serves according to the school’s requests

  • An on-going relationship develops + the church partners in a variety of ways throughout the year


  • Build Lasting Relationships

  • Serve without an Agenda

  • Show up + be Present

  • Under Promise, Over Deliver



WAYS to partner

There are lots of ways to partner with school, but here are a few ways to consider!

  • Staff/Teacher Appreciation (cards, meals, treats, etc)

  • Project Hope

  • Volunteer at special events

  • After-school programs

  • Providing for tangible needs

  • Feed Hope (Addressing food shortages and hunger)

  • Other creative needs voiced by school leadership!

It all starts with a conversation with school leadership, so reach out and make a connection!

find a school to serve

Eugene 4J, Springfield, Bethel & Junction City Schools

We do our best to stay connected, share ideas and encourage one another. See the map below or follow the button for a list of local schools, churches who are partnering + schools in need of a partner church (This list is a work in progress, so if you are partnering and are not listed, please let us know. Fill out the form below the map).

School partnership map

View School Partnership Map in a full screen map

Inquiry + Information