Project Hope



Project Hope 2020 will look different this year, but it is a go!

School district leaders are actively and eagerly speaking into what the Project Hope Back-to-School Giveaway and Work Day can look like, as the need for Project Hope has been amplified through the COVID-19 Crisis.

Pastors & Leaders, learn more how your church can participate on the Leader’s Hub.

project hope

Project Hope is an annual outreach designed to serve schools and families before each new school year.  During the last weekend in August, churches partner with neighborhood schools to prepare buildings and grounds for students to return.  The next day, five Back-to-School Giveaways & Kids' Fairs provide a fun environment where pre-selected students receive new shoes, backpacks, school supplies, and more! 

Saturday | School Work Day

Serving Schools

On Saturday, churches partner with a neighborhood public school to prepare the facilities for the upcoming school year.  Volunteers provide hundreds of hours of manpower by power washing, weeding, trimming, painting, cleaning, window washing and more!

Churches receive a "wish list" from administrators and custodians, and they organize their volunteers to meet the need. The School Work Day creates wonderful relationships between schools, staff, community members and churches! 

Sunday | Back-to-school kids' fair + Giveaway

The next day, 90 plus churches, organizations, and businesses partner together to serve children and families. Through our combined efforts in 2017, we made available 3,200 backpacks full of school supplies, 3,800 pairs of shoes, 3,200 pairs of socks, haircuts, face painting, inflatable games, and meals at five Kids’ Fairs in the Eugene, Springfield, and Junction City area.

The Kids' Fair provides lots of entertainment for parents and kids while they wait for the giveaway to begin.  Cheerful volunteers host line games, face painting, inflatables, and other activities.  Over the years, Project Hope has truly become a community event!

When the doors open, students choose their backpack, supplies and pair of shoes and socks.  At the end of the line, they have the option of a free back-to-school haircut, provided by local hairdressers.  Lastly, many local restaurants serve small meals to bring the Kids’ Fair to a close.  It's a joyful day to serve with so many to show Jesus’ love by meeting practical needs of students headed back to school!

meeting the need together

When we work together, we can meet the needs of under-resourced children, families, and schools more effectively.  Pooling our time, specialties, resources and energy, creates potential for exponential impact. You'll find a few stories below that illustrate the blessing that comes as we join together.


what kids & families have to say about project hope

"I'm never taking these off!" - a little boy about his new shoes

“Fun, exciting, awesome, one of the greatest moments of my life!”

"My heart was so full of thanksgiving... he really needed what he got." - a boy's grandmother

"Extremely helpful for us while we are struggling."

Some children took off their shoes from last year's giveaway, only to hug this year's to their chest, and immediately put on the new socks and shoes. Their actions spoke louder than words.

Volunteers work side-by-side with their neighborhood high school's principal.

Volunteers work side-by-side with their neighborhood high school's principal.


As you can see, Project Hope goes far beyond the last weekend in August. These labors of love open up doors for long-lasting relationships with our neighbors! 

Click here to read other Project Hope stories and letters from school administrators, pastors and students! 

Project hope stats

In 2017, total of 60 churches/ministries and 30+ businesses joined together in Project Hope's 7th year.  36 schools were served by volunteers during the School Work Day. At the Kids' Fair & Giveaway, 3,200 children and their families had the opportunity to attend the community event and receive supplies and shoes. 

In 2016, more than 45 churches, and 50+ local restaurants, hairdressers, and businesses teamed up to provide 3,100 new backpacks filled with school supplies, new shoes and socks, small meals and haircuts for children and families in five festival environments. More than 36 school facilities received TLC and hundreds of hours of volunteer manpower. 

In 2015, more than 70 churches, ministries and businesses joined together to serve schools, students and families. Through our combined efforts, we made available 3800 pairs of shoes, 3000 backpacks full of school supplies, and 3000 pairs of socks in 5 Kids' Fairs in Eugene, Springfield and Junction City.

In 2014, churches served more than 30 local schools and thousands of people in 4 Kids' Fairs in the Eugene/Springfield area.

In 2013, 51 churches joined together to serve schools and families. This year, the Kids' Fair was hosted in 4 locations to better serve families.

In 2012, 43 churches served 39 schools on Saturday. 34 churches and ministries joined together to host the Kids' Fair at PK Park to serve water, play games, give haircuts, handout backpacks and school supplies, provide meals and distribute shoes to thousands of neighbors!

In 2011, 32 schools were served on Saturday. At the Kids' Fair, thousands received new shoes, backpacks, school supplies, socks and a meal. Between both days, 50+ churches and ministries provided 1200 volunteers each day for the first Project Hope.