Launch Overflow Hope
Do this One Thing to involve your Church in Overflow Hope
Consider devoting 1.5 minutes of your service to share with your congregation about Overflow Hope (announcement video from Steve provided). You can also include a section on your church email or bulletin.
Invite them to follow Overflow Hope and engage with posts on social media.
Here’s everything you need to invite your church to participate in this Gospel-Sharing initiative:
1) Overflow Hope Overview
Attachment: Overview Document & Ways to Involve your Church
2) Announcement Video
to Invite your Church to Participate
3) Video Film + Interview Guides
Identify a testimony in your church and/or film a video yourself!
Videographer: Film & Interview Guide
Story Guide: Prepare Your Story Outline
Overflow Hope is . . .
Overflow Hope is a community-wide and unified Gospel-sharing framework, with three parts:
1) Local Video Testimonies on Social Media
2) Billboards: Artistically-displayed, winsome & provoking Bible phrases
3) A Website: The Gospel, the Authority of the Bible, a linked list of churches: